Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Thoughts on the Ringling Brothers shutting down

Remembering Joys that Have Passed Away by Edwin Mulready

The circus shutting down is a big deal. I would never support the circus and should feel pleased about it. However, I admit I shared the same instinctive negative reaction felt by a surprising number of people that commented on the news stories about this event.


1. We have a much larger amount of “circus” talk in our language than you would first think:

“balancing act’
“high wire act”
“walking a tightrope”
different kind of “acts” in general
“juggling” different tasks or priorities
“clown’ as a pejorative and verb
“safety net”
“dog and pony show”
“circus” meaning disorganized or absurd

The traveling circus is a major part of American culture and source of many metaphors. The impact is similar to baseball. If there was suddenly no market at all for baseball and it vanished it would feel odd. We would sense that our language and culture lost a little bit of meaning.

2. There was an inordinate amount of concern for the minuscule number of out of work circus employees. I suspect the reason this is on our minds it is a loss of jobs that cannot, even in theory, ever be automated. No one will pay to see a computer or launched out of a cannon. This again evokes anxieties about cultural transition.

3. According to many of the news articles the circus lost its value because because we now have a seemingly infinite choice of other entertainment options. In other words our entire lives have become circuses filled with entertaining distractions. Yet another cause for alarm.

4. Mainstream Fake News took advantage of the story to push an insidious subliminal message in the from of a stupid joke-”there is nowhere left to run away to". Really subtle and masterful work.

Bonus thought: my advice for what's left of the circus industry

A traveling circus is regressive and crass and just couldn’t keep up with the times. They stopped using elephants and installed the first woman ringmaster but perhaps they didn’t go far enough to appeal to today's sophisticated consumer. What they need to bring in a modern crowd is a complete reversal of their former deplorable practices. By that I mean a show where the elephants torture humans.


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